MARGARET RAE, executive director

After studying for years and becoming a medical doctor with a specialty in infectious disease, Margaret is excited to stretch her creative skills with the company. After all, it’s more fun of a side business than looking at whatever strange bumps and rashes may be on your body.


BRIAN NATHANSON, creative director

A graduate of USC School of Cinematic Arts, Brian has written for film and television for nearly a decade. His specialty is writing original stories that are too weird and expensive to be made into anything other than paperweights on producers’ desks.


FIONA RAE, director of directors

Fiona Rae’s success in the business world can be described as nothing less than meteoric. She rocketed up to become the head of the company – all before her 3rd birthday. She rules with an iron fist, and demands that the creative team someday reach the heights of Peppa Pig.